Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Transferred to Bad Homburg...

Sweet stuff about all of the news from home. Matt has my room now? he better enjoy that bed! that thing is sweet, and my xbox, if the xbox live is reactivated, still use my gamer tag, and try and get the new set up for it, but if not, don't even worry, i will do it when i get home. WEll, big news for me, I am getting transferred to Bad Homburg, it is only like 15 minutes away on the Autobahn, but it is in another zone, and a ways from this sweet ward here, so, I will definitely miss it, and the members here.
So, just a heads up. Our investigator Nathan Muldez, 9 years old from a part member family, is going to be baptized by his dad on Aug 22, and we just finished teaching him all of the lessons last night, and he will be ready for it by then. We made him a sweet gospel study guide to help him with knowing all of the stuff, it was kinda tough teaching him, but it worked out in the end. Off to new and hopefully better things in my new area, so yeah. Such is the life of a missionary.
My suitcases right now are huge and heavy, I am definitely going to have to lighten the load before next transfers, and for sure before I get home. By the way, I bought a hair trimmer the other week, and it is sweet, in like 5 haircuts, it pays for it self! gnarly! TEll dad that I love him especially, and that he needs to get the NFL package...just kidding, I did hear that Favre was really retired now? We shall see, poor guy.Today is the last pday I will have here in Wiesbaden, and one of the last times I will see Elder Curtis, he is leaving to go home, he is done, he is a way cool guy, and I will miss him alot, but so its, If I ever do go up to Utah again after I get home, I will have some visits to make to people up there. WEll, that's all I got for ya' today, take care family, and thanks for being ready to send pictures, even when I am not, I will send them before christmas, I promise, because all of my cards will be used up by then, and it will be time to buy another one! Alright I love you all, and tell chloe I say hi, and rub her belly for me. Tschüß! Love Elder Bentz aka Mooker