Tuesday, February 9, 2010
New Companion in Koblenz
Elder Voutilainen my companions name..this week I got to Koblenz, and it is a lot more different than I expected. We have a car, but only use it to get to District meeting once a week pretty much, which is like 120km away, about an hour and a half car ride, so that is lame, and our windshield is cracked now too, we gotta get that taken in. The branch here is really small, and there are alot of inactive members, but they live REALLY far away, and we don't have enough allotted miles to get to all of them, so that is too bad, but, we do have an English class every week, and last week, my first day here, two Russian ladies came in and said they were there for the English class, and they found a flier that was given out like 7 months ago, so that was pretty cool, they seemed pretty interested in the church as well, so we'll see where that one goes. We have a couple of investigators right now, who could be having a baptismal date pretty soon. My companion is from Finland and pretty cool, he likes techno and stuff. It is a cool area because it is right where two big rivers meet and\or split up, alot of tourists, but still good. It is still cold, and snowy, hopefully it will let up pretty soon. It is February now too! My last one in the field. crazy that January is already over. but so it is. Love Elder Bentz aka Mooker