Monday, January 5, 2009

Letter from the Mission President

Dear Brother and Sister Bentz,
We are happy to report that your son, Elder Michael Bentz arrived safely on Wednesday and even though it was a day later than planned, he looked well rested and was happy to be in Germany. We took all the new missionaries to our Stake Center where they were introduced to the office staff and given some orientation information. I also had a few minutes to conduct a brief interview and enjoyed this time getting to know him. He is an impressive young man and we are grateful to have him here. We then had a meeting where they were introduced to their companions and then headed off to their first area of service. Our preparation day is currently on Tuesdays in our mission and he will be able to email you on that day. Regular mail is also a precious and welcome thing for missionaries to find in their mailboxes and you can use the his address. We are always grateful to have new missionaries come into the field as they bring a sense of excitement and a spirit of great faith. It inspires and energizes the whole mission. Elder Bentz entered this mission at an especially important time. We pledge eto do all we can to insure that he has a chance to grow spiritually and develop a strong testimony. We feel confident that he will be effective in this important work of teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who have been prepared by our Father in Heaven. We are confident that your family will be richly blessed for your sacrifice. Thank you for sharing your son with us. We keep him constantly in our prayers and we promise to do all we can to help him fulfill a successful mission.

With love and gratitude,
President Kevin J. Ninow
Sister Lisa B. Ninow